Thought for the Week

  • "I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O most High." Psalm 9: 1-2

Grandma and Joel

Grandma and Joel

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Grandma Schaller

I made a difficult trip over to my mom's yesterday. I had some news to bring her that none of us were expecting. She had had a biopsy of a strange mole on her left upper arm last week and I received a call from her doctor yesterday regarding the result. The mole ended up being a melanoma. This type of cancer, unfortunately, can spread to almost any area of the body. We're just going to take it one step at a time. On 8/27 Carol and I are going to go with her to the Melanoma Oncologist to have a consult and discuss what he thinks we should do first. There will be some decisions to make regarding treatments, etc. Please keep her in your prayers. She is really doing well and feels pretty good.

On the lighter side....when I was over there last night, before I left, she started laughing about something Walt had told her when he had visited her this week.....My cousin Janice has been doing some intensive geneology studies regarding our Norwegian ancestors and has gone way back to the 1300's....Well.......believe it or not, she has discovered that we have direct ancesotors to the King of IRELAND!!! Go figure! My mom said that her mother would be rolling in her grave.....she didn't think grandma johnson would have appreciated that.....Mother said, "That's where I probably get my sense of humor!"

1 comment:

Karen said...

Thanks for posting the update on Grandma, Mom. I know we're all lifting her up in prayer!