Thought for the Week

  • "I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O most High." Psalm 9: 1-2

Grandma and Joel

Grandma and Joel

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mike has been a little busy!!

Time sure flys by! Everybody probably already knows what's going on but feel I should Journal a little bit here and update this blog. Mike took a short but great jaunt down to St louis to see Jason and Andrea, and bring them a little cabinet he made for them. He also had to get a little
"Bo Time". It was fun for him to see Bo running around ....also waiting for the "next one"....due in about has to be a little hard to be pregnant in the summer, huh Andrea. Bo will have fun being the big brother though.

Mike got back on May 12th, and the following week, as many of you know ended up in the emergency room and was admitted for a couple days due to some heart problems. Even as a nurse I haven't really realized the degree to which doctors are specializing. First he saw the cardiologist, then a few days later went to the atrial cardiologist and yesterday we went to Abbott to the Cardiac Electrophysiologist! mike calls him the electric engineer. The problem of atrial fib, is what he has. His heartrate is very fast and the rhythm gets all "fluttery". The doctor says he has an abnormality in his atrium and so the nerves trigger abnormal beating. He says that it will probably just get worse, but there are things they can do. They can do a procedure that will "zap" the nerve endings in the atrium and usually solves the problem totally in 85% of cases. Mike is going to wait until he sees if he has another "spell" as bad as this last one. The doctor is comfortable as these spells don't cause a heart attack but he would have to go to ER as they could potentially cause a stroke. Mike is feeling good though, and the dr said he could do his normal activities. So we will just have to wait and see.
He got out of the hospital on Wed 5/21 and we went up to the cabin on Saturday 5/24 for his birthday, with his parents, Karen and her friend Brian, to relax........It felt good to get back up there.

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